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Meadvin Dental Blog

How Can a Soft Tissue Laser Benefit You?

January 16, 2025

Filed under: Uncategorized — meadvindentalteam @ 3:15 pm
An AI image of a dentist using a soft tissue laser on a female patient.

If you were a fan of pop culture growing up, you likely are familiar with the concept that lasers will be a big deal in the future. Whether they were holding objects in place or shooting at enemy spaceships, they promised to do things faster and easier than traditional methods. Today, though we don’t (yet) have tractor beams or Millennium Falcons, we do have laser dentistry! Here’s a closer look at how this futuristic and very real technology is improving a variety of dental treatments right now!


Maintaining Your Youthful Appearance with Dental Implants

November 1, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — meadvindentalteam @ 4:50 pm
Man smiling and looking hip with his dental implants

Did you know that hollow cheeks and sagging facial skin aren’t necessarily a product of age? While physical maturity can be a factor, tooth loss affects your facial features more than you might expect!

Dentures can help fill out your smile, but there’s a reason dental implants are your best restoration option when it comes to maintaining your youthful appearance. Keep reading to get all the juicy details.


Which is Better, Veneers or Professional Whitening?

September 27, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — meadvindentalteam @ 3:16 pm
A woman holding a tooth shade chart up to her teeth.

Everyone wants a whiter, brighter smile. After all, when was the last time you heard someone say they wish their teeth were more stained or discolored? But deciding whether to get veneers or professional whitening can be a tough decision. If you’d like to brighten your teeth with the help of cosmetic dentistry, here’s some more information to help you decide which method is best.


Why Are Lasers Used to Treat Gum Disease?

July 18, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — meadvindentalteam @ 6:27 pm

Dentist treating patient’s gums with dental laserCavities aren’t the only threat to your oral health. Did you know that gum disease is also a leading cause of tooth loss? The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that at least 50% of adults have a form of gum disease. Not only can it wreak havoc on your dental health, but it can also affect your general wellness negatively. Laser dentistry has revolutionized gum disease treatment. Here’s how you can benefit from the pinpoint accuracy of a dental laser to stop the infection in its tracks.


Tooth Loss and Bone Loss: Problems and Solutions

May 10, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — meadvindentalteam @ 10:19 pm
3D dental implant

If you’re currently missing teeth, there are plenty of choices out there that can help you. Dentures, dental bridges, and dental implants are all excellent methods of replacing teeth, and each of them serves a different kind of patient. When trying to pick between these procedures, there’s a lot to consider.

One is bone loss, which is an issue that patients who are missing teeth often have to deal with. It’s also something that only some kinds of tooth replacement address. If you want to know more about this issue, and which style of tooth replacement can help you, here’s some information that you might find useful.


Why Do My Dentures Smell Bad? 

March 4, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — meadvindentalteam @ 2:18 pm
older person with dentures smiling

Dentures can make a big difference in your life, boosting your confidence when eating and socializing. However, if you don’t take care of them properly, they can develop unpleasant odors. To make sure you get the most out of your dentures and keep them smelling fresh, it’s important to clean them regularly and take good care of them. By doing so, you can avoid any unwanted smells and enjoy the benefits of your dentures for a long time. Keep reading to understand why dentures might develop odors and learn some simple steps to prevent this from happening.


Critical Circumstances: What to Expect from Your Emergency Dental Appointment

January 5, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — meadvindentalteam @ 7:19 pm
Dentist holding forceps with patient blurry in background

Try though you might, it’s impossible to predict when a dental emergency might occur. Whether you developed an unrelenting toothache or had an accident that broke a tooth, it’s important to get the right help as soon as possible. Oral issues typically don’t take care of themselves, and your pearly white is at risk until you can see an expert.

That said, it’s difficult to think clearly if you’re in pain or flustered during an urgent situation, and you may be feeling anxious about what comes next. That’s why your dentist has put together this helpful information about what to expect from your emergency appointment. Keep reading to learn more!


Why You Should Quit Smoking If You Wear Dentures

November 10, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — meadvindentalteam @ 11:52 pm

Cigarette smoke and black backgroundDentures are a trusted solution to treat tooth loss. They have been used for generations to rebuild beautiful, complete smiles. Adults of all ages with several or all lost teeth can benefit from dentures. However, they may not be the best option for smokers. Here’s why you should kick the habit if you want to replace your lost teeth.


Is My Teen Too Young for Cosmetic Dentistry?

September 22, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — meadvindentalteam @ 4:16 pm

Group of happy teenagers socializing Unattractive teeth can affect a person’s self-esteem, no matter their age. Teens struggle with embarrassment about their smiles, adding to the daily challenges of the teenage years. You can give your teen the confidence they need with cosmetic dentistry. Here are just a few procedures that can give your child a smile they’ll be proud of.


How Your Dentist Prepares Your Tooth for a Crown

July 2, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — meadvindentalteam @ 11:47 pm
a patient receiving a dental crown

A dental crown is a versatile dental restoration that can significantly improve the strength, function, and aesthetics of a damaged or compromised tooth. But have you ever wondered how dentists prepare teeth for crowns? They aren’t just merely placed on top of teeth—it’s quite a meticulous process, requiring a great deal of skill and precision on your dentist’s part, as well as a keen eye for detail. If you’ve been informed that you’re going to need a dental crown, here’s a little bit more about what you can expect when getting this treatment.

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