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Which is Better, Veneers or Professional Whitening?

September 27, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — meadvindentalteam @ 3:16 pm
A woman holding a tooth shade chart up to her teeth.

Everyone wants a whiter, brighter smile. After all, when was the last time you heard someone say they wish their teeth were more stained or discolored? But deciding whether to get veneers or professional whitening can be a tough decision. If you’d like to brighten your teeth with the help of cosmetic dentistry, here’s some more information to help you decide which method is best.


Veneers are thin, porcelain shells that fit over your teeth to create a whiter, brighter smile. They can also help correct small gaps between teeth, chips, and even make teeth that are too small look larger. Veneers require your dentist to remove a thin layer of tooth enamel, so they must be worn permanently. They are more expensive than whitening, however with proper care they can last up to 20 years before they need to be replaced.

Veneers take about two appointments to complete; one to have your enamel reduced and your impressions made, and one to have your veneers attached. You can even choose their shade!

Professional Whitening

Professional whitening is much less expensive than veneers, however it only changes the color of your teeth by up to eight shades, and individual results will vary. The whitening is permanent, however you can still easily re-stain your teeth if you are not careful.  You may experience some minor sensitivity for a few days after your treatment, but you are under no obligation to ever have it done again, and if you take good care of your hygiene, you may never need to!

Veneers Versus Professional Whitening: Which is Best?

Now that you know the differences between the two procedures, you can determine which one best suit your needs. Veneers are great if you:

  • Want a permanent way to prevent tooth stains
  • Need to correct chips, gaps, or misshapen teeth
  • Can commit financially to upgrading your veneers in 15 to 20 years
  • Do not mind waiting several weeks for the procedure to be completed

Conversely, professional whitening is best if you:

  • Are on a tighter budget
  • Only need to eliminate stains
  • Can maintain your results by cutting staining foods from your diet
  • Want faster results

Ultimately, the choice is up to you. If you have any questions or concerns about which treatment will serve you best, speak to your dentist about your lifestyle and she can help you make a more informed decision.

About Dr. Meadvin

Dr. Jodi B. Meadvin has always been interested in medicine, and in helping patients, both animals and humans. Though she initially wanted to be a veterinarian, she eventually switched over to dentistry and never looked back. Today Dr.Meadvin is a member of the Faculty Club at Spear Education. She is the past president of the Southern Dental Society and a current member of the New Jersey Dental Association and American Dental Association.

To schedule a cosmetic dentistry appointment with Dr. Meadvin, please visit our website or call us today at 856-428-8822.

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